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Brown highland cow in Isle of Skye, Scotland
Podcast / The Big Issues
Podcast / The Big Issues

Net Zero emissions by 2045 – is Scotland on track?

Scotland has set itself an ambitious target, to reach net zero emissions of all greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

The Climate Change Act 2019 commits the country to the target, which is more difficult to achieve than a net-zero carbon target, which commits only to balancing carbon dioxide emissions.

So how is Scotland doing in its drive to meet this target? And how will it affect the food and drink industry?

Scotland was one of the very first countries to declare a climate emergency, and in the last 30 years it has halved its greenhouse gas emissions.

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The targets make for wonderful headlines, but to make a real impact, it is all about the detail. 

And unless action is taken, net zero commitments are just hot air.

So, how is the Scottish food industry adapting and to what extent are Scottish consumers switching to sustainable food choices?

Pete Richie, Executive Director, Nourish Scotland

Pete has a background in community development and social policy.

As executive director, Pete is responsible with the board and staff team for focusing Nourish Scotland’s work where it can be most effective.

This includes engaging with policy-makers and stakeholders as well as working for change from the bottom-up with grassroots groups.

As well as working at Nourish, Pete runs Whitmuir Organics with his partner Heather Anderson.

Iain Clunie, Net Zero Director, FDF Scotland

For the last six years Iain has led the Food and Drink team at Zero Waste Scotland, helping to reduce food waste across the supply chain from farm to fork and working towards Scotland’s target of 33% food waste reduction by 2025.   

Iain will lead the Strategic Net Zero Response Programme on behalf of the Scotland Food & Drink Partnership to support the Scottish food and drink industry to meet the Partnership’s Net Zero Commitment.

His team will provide an important link between policy makers, politicians, regulators and other stakeholders and the food and drink industry in Scotland and beyond.

This work will drive forward progress towards the Scottish food and drink supply chain becoming net zero by 2045.

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