Volkert Engelsman

Robin Food Coalition


Founder and former Eosta CEO Volkert is now chairing the Robin Food Coalition, a food transition network for one-health, social inclusion and regenerative agriculture.

After graduating in business administration at Groningen University Volkert worked for Cargill Inc USA before founding EOSTA, Europe’s leading distributor of organic fruits. He initiated several initiatives and companies, such as Nature & More, Soil & More, Dr Goodfood, the True Cost of Food, FQH (sensitive crystallization methods to assess food quality), Vitalis, Ecos del Agro Costa Rica, Vitalis.

During the United Nations Year of Soil Eosta initiated the Save Our Soils campaign, together with FAO, 200 partners and many VIP’s amongst whom Desmond Tutu, Julia Roberts, the Dalai Lama, Sioux Chief Arvol Looking Horse.

The initiatives have been awarded with various prizes, such as the Nr 1 at the Dutch Sustainability Leaders Top 100, the King Willem I Award for Sustainable Entrepreneurship and the European Business Award for the Environment.

Speakers on this event


Volkert Engelsman