This episode is all about green jobs. David Reay, Professor of Carbon Management and Education at the University of Edinburgh, and member of the UK Government’s Green Jobs Taskforce speaks to Stefan from COP26 in Glasgow, where the future of green jobs have been central to the discussions.
The UK government has an ambition to create two million more green jobs over the next nine years – part of the plan for an economy with zero fossil fuel emission. But, are we really ready for green jobs?
Join the conversation to explore what we actually mean by green jobs and why all jobs in every sector will soon be seen through a ‘green lens.’ Hear how universities are moving to embed sustainability, net zero and climate change across their entire curriculum to benefit student learning outcomes and skills.
Plus, find out what types of green jobs are on offer across the food industry and why green skills and understanding sustainability are fundamental for a sustainable food future.
About our panel
David Reay, Professor of Carbon Management and Education at the University of Edinburgh
David Reay is Professor of Carbon Management and Education at the University of Edinburgh. Reay sits on the UK Government’s Green Jobs Taskforce, chairs the Scottish Government’s Climate Emergency Skills Implementation Group, and is executive director of the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute and policy director of ClimateXChange.