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Featured Speaker

Photo of Hugo de Vries - Featured Speaker at Food Matters Live

Hugo de Vries

Research Director, Science Direction Food and Economy

Walker's Shortbread

Dr. Hugo de Vries is member of the INRAE Scientific Directory Team ‘Food, Nutrition and Bioeconomy’, France, with a specific focus on European and Mediterranean Affairs concerning Sustainable Food and Bioeconomy Systems. He is President of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology, actively involved in e.g. the SCAR and SAPEA Working Groups on Sustainable Food Systems, the FAO-led International Sustainable Bioeconomy Working Group, the EU-CSA Fit4Food2030, and in Foodforce. In addition, he is associated international member of the French Academy of Agriculture. In The Netherlands, he has been the Head of the Food Technology Research Centre, Strategy and Commercial Director of the Business Unit Food of Wageningen UR, and coordinator of the European Integrated Project NovelQ (novel processing methods for the production and distribution of high-quality and safe foods). He obtained a PhD in physics and has held several positions around the globe.

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