

Fitbeer is a premium alcohol-free craft lager that’s great tasting and good for you. A bright lager, classic German-helles style, brewed with passion in Bavaria. With subtle notes of earthy hops and pleasantly sweet, biscuity flavours, FitBeer is a Bavarian Helles lager made with Hallertauer Tradition hops. At never more than 0.3% ABV, it’s also a natural isotonic or sports drink that replenishes salts and minerals lost during perspiration. It’s naturally low in calories (66 kcal), high in vitamin B12 and folic acid, vegan friendly and tastes great. Brewed in accordance with the German purity laws, Fitbeer has only 4 natural ingredients; water, barley, hops and yeast. Launched in 2016, Fitbeer is a small, family-run, east London based business working in partnership with a 500-year-old Bavarian brewery. Our young, prodigy brewer, won brewer of the year award and together we’ve created an alcohol-free lager with superior taste that’s genuinely good for both body and mind. Fitbeer Ltd. 185 Discovery Dock East 3 South Quay Square London E14 9RZ United Kingdom

