Main stage programme

The main stages at Food Matters Live will give you access to a wealth of knowledge across food innovation insights and trends, sustainable sourcing and positive nutrition. Discover influential speakers who will share thought-leadership, key insights and best practice through keynote talks, inspiring panel discussions and ground-breaking case studies. Explore the full programme below and select the sessions that are going to help you navigate towards your strategy goals.

Please note: Welcome refreshments, lunch and drinks will be provided at each day of the event.

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  • 5th November

  • 6th November

  • As lifespans increase, so does the percentage of our lives experts expect us to spend in poor health. But with this comes opportunities for innovation to support healthy ageing and extend health span via positive nutrition strategies. Bringing together a line-up of experts, this session will explore the evolving role of nutrition in supporting longevity and combating age-related decline. It will also provide a spotlight on the importance of nutrition on women’s health throughout their lifecycle.

    09:50 – 10:05 - The role of positive nutrition in healthy ageing
    Barbara Bray MBE
    PhD Researcher in Healthy Ageing Diets, Queen's University Belfast
    10:05 – 10:20 - Examining the science behind nutrition for women’s health and lifecycle
    Dr Conor Kerley
    Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, Phytaphix
    10:20 – 10:35 - The role of Foods for Special Medical Purposes in the treatment of disease-related malnutrition
    Alice Moffitt
    Specialised Nutrition Executive - Foods for Special Medical Purposes, Dairy Industry Ireland
    10:35 – 10:50 - Question and answer session
    Positive Nutrition

  • Amid the growing importance of ethical sourcing and a flood of ESG regulations, the food and drink industry is tasked with building resilience along the supply chain and ensuring transparency, fairness, and sustainability at every level. This session will provide a regulatory update and its impact on sourcing practices in Europe and beyond. The forward-looking panel discussion, will hear from an expert line-up of speakers who will share their priorities for sustainable sourcing, discuss the challenges and opportunities and explore ways to promote sustainable initiatives throughout the supply chain.

    09:45 – 10:00 - Expert insight: regulatory update and its impact on sourcing practices
    Padraig Brennan
    Chairperson, Organic Strategy Forum; Consultant, Padraig Brennan Consulting
    10:00 – 10:45 - Panel discussion
    Padraig Brennan
    Chairperson, Organic Strategy Forum; Consultant, Padraig Brennan Consulting
    David Kennedy Head of Dairy, Bord Bia
    Tara McCarthy Global Vice President ESG, Alltech
    Owen Keogh Head of Sustainability, Musgrave
    Louise O'Connor Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Strong Roots
    Moderator: Suzanne Campbell Journalist and Broadcaster
    Sustainable Sourcing

  • Forecast to be worth $15 -$25bn within the next five years, the personalised nutrition industry is a dynamic sector moving at pace. During this session, expert speakers will explore some of the latest advances in precision nutrition influencing the development of novel ingredients and foods with targeted health benefits. Panellists will discuss the importance of behaviour change alongside nutrition science and technology when developing personalised nutrition solutions.

    Professor Eileen Gibney Director, UCD Institute of Food and Health
    Dermot O’Riordan Co-Founder & COO, Reso Health
    Nard Clabbers Founder, NCNC Nutrition Consultancy
    Moderator: Claire Mac Evilly CEO, Airfield Estate
    Positive Nutrition

  • Nature-positive agricultural solutions are key for the future of Ireland’s agri-food industry and the global food system more widely. This session will bring together those pioneering in this space to explore the principles of regenerative and organic agriculture and how we can accelerate its adoption in Ireland and beyond. Panellists will address how to effectively measure the benefits of sustainable agricultural solutions and what support is needed to scale up the movement.

    Emma Keller Head of Sustainability, Nestlé UK&I
    Dr Jean Kennedy Manager Science and Technology, Advanced Manufacturing Training Centre of Excellence, The Louth & Meath Education and Training Board
    Gillian Westbrook CEO, Irish Organic Association
    Moderator: Suzanne Campbell Journalist and Broadcaster
    Sustainable Sourcing

  • Led by industry experts, Table Talks provide a setting for informed but intimate discussion around key themes.

    Themes include
    - Innovative ingredients for food innovation – formulation focus (cross category)
    - Innovative ingredients for positive nutrition and nutraceuticals formulation
    - Preparing for HFSS legislation in practice
    - Sustainability in NPD - showcasing ethical and sustainable sourcing
    - Formulating for plant-based and hybrid proteins
    - Emerging food flavours set to take the centre stage
    - Preparing for new smoke regulations
    - Sustainable sourcing for product development
    - Safety-led NPD connections
    - Structured networking: reflect on the morning's insights with new contacts
    NPD Discovery Table Talks

  • Food Matters Live roundtables give you the opportunity to delve into a topic focused on a pressing issue specific to your business. Discuss solutions tailored to your needs with industry experts and other premium food businesses in an impartial, intimate setting.

    View the full roundtable programme here
    Positive Nutrition
    Sustainable Sourcing

  • Led by industry experts, Table Talks provide a setting for informed but intimate discussion around key themes.

    Themes include
    - Innovative ingredients for food innovation – formulation focus (cross category)
    - Innovative ingredients for positive nutrition and nutraceuticals formulation
    - Preparing for HFSS legislation in practice
    - Sustainability in NPD - showcasing ethical and sustainable sourcing
    - Formulating for plant-based and hybrid proteins
    - Emerging food flavours set to take the centre stage
    - Preparing for new smoke regulations
    - Sustainable sourcing for product development
    - Safety-led NPD innovation
    - Structured networking NPD connections: reflect on the morning's insights with new contacts
    NPD Discovery Table Talks

  • -The evidence-base: how the latest science interprets the role of fibre in our overall physical and mental health

  • - How can industry respond? NPD challenges and opportunities

Insights and trends

  • This session will bring together leading experts to examine new science exploring the impact of nutrition on the prevention and management of immune-related disorders such as allergies, recurrent infections and autoimmune diseases. It will examine what the food and drink industry is doing to meet the consumer demand for innovative, healthy and natural food and beverages with immune health benefits.

    Professor Christine Loscher Head, School of Biotechnology, Dublin City University
    Professor Liam O'Mahony Professor of Immunology, University College Cork
    Moderator: Claire Mac Evilly CEO, Airfield Estate
    Positive Nutrition

  • This session will explore the latest ground-breaking technological innovations and advancements in food processing which will play an important role in improving the sustainability of the food production system. Our experts will identify new opportunities and production processes enabling the industry to enhance the technical aspects of ingredients whilst minimising processing and emissions.

    John Casey Chief Manufacturing and Supply Chain Officer, Nuritas
    Mark Christal Divisional Manager, Food and Sustainability, Enterprise Ireland
    Dr Anne Marie Henihan Centre Director, Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC)
    Moderator: Suzanne Campbell Journalist and Broadcaster
    Sustainable Sourcing

  • The sports and active nutrition market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.5% from 2024 to 2030, with consumer interest in healthy lifestyles growing. This session will explore the rapid evolution of the sports nutrition market, focusing on new ingredients, scientific insights, and emerging trends in this dynamic space. Expert speakers will explore the science at the intersection of sports and personalised nutrition, strategies to manage the impact of high-protein diets on athletes and how to optimise nutrition for women's performance across different life stages and hormone cycles.

    16:00 – 16:15 - The evolution of the active and sports nutrition market
    Eimear Connolly
    Head of Technical and Innovation, Future Nutrition Ltd
    16:15 – 16:30 - Optimum nutrition for females - what does that mean through the ages and stages of performance?
    Prof Sharon Madigan
    Head of Performance Nutrition, Irish Institute of Sport
    16:30 – 16:45 - Question and answer session
    Positive Nutrition

  • During this session, speakers will share their approach, learnings and insight in implementing science-based emission reduction targets. They will discuss what data and information need to be collated through to the challenges of translating global targets into a roadmap that can be adapted locally.

    16:00 - 16:20 - Insights into science-based targets
    Judith Murdoch
    Director, Murdoch Associates
    16:20 - 17:00 - Interactive panel discussion
    Barry Larkham-Jones
    Group Livestock Sustainability and Welfare Manager, Hilton Foods
    John McGrath Head of Business Development, Sustainability, Marketing and Communications, Dawn Farms
    Conor Mulvihill Director, Dairy Industry Ireland
    Judith Murdoch Director, Murdoch Associates
    Moderator: Suzanne Campbell Journalist and Broadcaster
    Sustainable Sourcing

  • Claire Mac Evilly CEO, Airfield Estate
    Positive Nutrition

    • Consumer awareness of the influence of the gut microbiome on health outcomes is well established, but the science is much more complex than commonly understood. This session will equip you with the very latest findings which are shaping our understanding of this dynamic and nuanced market and emerging findings in this nascent field. Topics up for discussion will include the importance of specificity in probiotics and the role of the gut microbiome in fertility and menopause.

      10:00 – 10:15 - Digestive wellness diversifies - what is driving innovation in the gut health category?
      Mikaela Linden-Ibrahim
      Senior Researcher, New Nutrition Business
      10:15 – 10:30 - Fermented foods and health
      Professor Paul Cotter
      Head of Food Biosciences, Teagasc Food Research Centre and CTO, SeqBiome Ltd
      10:30 – 10:45 - The female gut microbiome: lessons through life – a focus on reproductive health
      Dr Emily Prpa
      Science Manager, Yakult
      10:45 - 11:00 - Question and answer session
      Positive Nutrition

    • This session will highlight the critical role of ingredient innovation as food companies transition towards a more circular, less wasteful model. It will cover how to accelerate ingredient innovation and disruption for the benefit of the food system, explore novel production methods driving opportunities for technical and functional ingredients, and discuss emerging sustainable ingredients shaping the future of food. The panel will also assess whether these new ingredients meet the demands for improved flavours, textures, and greater nutritional value.

      Shay Hannon Manager, National Prepared Consumer Food Centre
      Ben Wilding CEO, Sun Bear Biofuture
      Dr Nessa Noronha Director, Food for Health Ireland
      Zbigniew Lewicki Global R&D Head, Unilever Ice Cream
      Moderator: Suzanne Campbell Journalist and Broadcaster
      Sustainable Sourcing

    • Consumers care about the planet and are increasingly aware of the environmental and social impacts of the products they buy. Drawing on insights and strategies from a line-up of sustainable pioneers, this session will explore what consumers value most when it comes to sustainability and how to effectively communicate your ESG achievements to nurture consumer trust.

      Mark Keller Interim CEO, National Dairy Council
      Michael Hoey Managing Director, Country Crest
      Iarina Radu Senior Manager, Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative, The Consumer Goods Forum
      Chris Upton Lead Consultant, Havas Genus & CEO, Havas Dublin
      Moderator: Suzanne Campbell Journalist and Broadcaster
      Sustainable Sourcing

    • This session will provide a spotlight on flatlining fibre intakes in Ireland and why it matters. It will explore barriers to increasing fibre consumption, potential solutions and a call to action to both public health authorities and the food industry, to work together to step up in supporting an increase in dietary intakes. The expert speaker will also investigate potential opportunities for Ireland and examine what is being done in other countries around fibre and wholegrain.

      Dr Yvonne Finnegan Director, Finne Nutrition & Regulatory Consultancy
      Positive Nutrition

    • From stress to sleep, cognitive health encompasses a wide range of elements, all of which can be influenced by nutrition. Bringing together experts from across nutritional science, dietetics and product development, this session will review the most promising ingredients derived from natural and sustainable sources to support and protect cognitive health throughout different life stages.

      Dr Siobhain M. O’Mahony Senior Lecturer, Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, APC Microbiome Ireland, University College Cork
      Moderator: Claire Mac Evilly CEO, Airfield Estate
      Positive Nutrition

    • Food Matters Live roundtables give you the opportunity to delve into a topic focused on a pressing issue specific to your business. Discuss solutions tailored to your needs with industry experts and other premium food businesses in an impartial, intimate setting.

      View the full roundtable programme here
      Positive Nutrition
      Sustainable Sourcing

    • Dr Mary Harrington Senior Nutritionist, National Dairy Council
      Positive Nutrition

    • This session will explore the numerous opportunities for upcycling and side-stream valorisation and the novel technologies driving innovation in this space. Panellists will discuss consumer attitudes towards upcycling, its potential in tackling food waste and the role of AI in enhancing food upcycling processes and navigating the regulatory and logistical challenges of using upcycled ingredients.

      Niamh Dooley COO, BiaSol and Circular Food Co
      Simona Grasso Assistant Professor in Food Science & Nutrition, University College Dublin
      Dr Lara Ramdin Chief Scientist and LA Ambassador, FoodXClimate
      Tom Simmons Founder & CEO, The Supplant Company
      Moderator: Suzanne Campbell Journalist and Broadcaster
      Sustainable Sourcing

    • Front-of-pack nutrition labelling has significantly evolved, adapting to changing consumer demands, technological advancements and regulatory changes. This panel will review the Nutri-Score and other alternative nutrition labelling systems designed to help consumers make healthier food choices and evaluate the case for a unified nutrition labelling approach across Europe.

      Caroline Bialek Consumer Information Manager, FoodDrinkEurope
      Dr Yvonne Finnegan Director, Finne Nutrition & Regulatory Consultancy
      Lauren Woodley Group Nutrition Leader, Nomad Foods
      Moderator: Claire Mac Evilly CEO, Airfield Estate
      Positive Nutrition

    • Food companies are leveraging a range of new technologies and approaches to address scope 3 emissions along the supply chain. This expert panel session will home in on the importance of collaboration, open communication, and information sharing with farmers, producers, and suppliers to understand and reduce emissions. Featuring a line-up of thought and practice leaders, it will explore innovative strategies to scale up investment in scope 3 value chain decarbonisation and demonstrate emission reductions at the farm level.

      Professor Karina Pierce Professor of Dairy Production and Director of External Relations, School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin
      Stephen Connolly Agri Sustainability Manager, ABP Ireland & Poland
      Ben Williams Sustainability Manager, Leprino Foods
      David Hagan Global Regenerative Agricultural Manager, Diageo
      Moderator: Suzanne Campbell Journalist and Broadcaster
      Sustainable Sourcing

    • Claire Mac Evilly CEO, Airfield Estate
      Positive Nutrition

    Explore our other programmes

    Food Matters Live will additionally host exclusive ingredient innovation showcases, delivered by our partner for NPD and technical managers to discover the application, taste, texture, and mouthfeel of innovative solutions. Plus all attendees can access roundtable sessions to discuss pressing issues in ingredient innovation, regenerative agriculture, navigating regulations and more, and discover solutions with an intimate group of industry leaders.