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Positive nutrition and gut health trends

A healthy gut is something that is increasingly on consumers’ minds, but where is the market heading and how much do we really know about how the food we eat impacts our gut?

In this episode of the Food Matters Live podcast, recorded live at our Tastes of Better event in Ascot in April 2024, we assemble an expert panel to try to answer some of those questions.

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They discuss the complexities of nutrition and gut health, precision nutrition, the role of gut health products, and the regulatory landscape health claims on packaging.

They also delve into the ethical considerations in marketing around gut health claims, and look at how consumer understanding is evolving over time.

Bertrand Emond, Culture Excellence Lead, Campden BRI

Claire Baseley, Industry Nutritionist and Regulatory Expert

Sophie Medlin, Chair of the British Dietetic Association for London

Rick Miller, Food and Drink Associate Director for Specialised Nutrition, Mintel

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Positive nutrition and gut health trends