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What lies ahead for retail in 2022?

4 min read

What Lies Ahead for Retail in 2022?

Find Out at Food Matters Live this November with New Live Webcast Themes Announced…

Are you sat each day hyper-focused on the everyday tasks? With a brief overview of the week, and the month? How often are you thinking about the next quarter or the next year? Now we are midway through 2021, 2022 really is not too far around the corner. Do you feel prepared for the next 12 months? Do you know what lies ahead for retail now, and in the next year? Are you up to speed on the latest nutritional research impacting your product lines? Or the new technologies disrupting food production? Are you aware of which areas of nutrition will flourish and what’s next for direct-to-consumer growth? What are the ingredients of the future impacting NPD and reformulation projects?

These are just some of the questions we will be answering for you at Food Matters Live this November.

Announcing, the Food Matters Live November 2021 live webcast themes…

We are ensuring that you feel prepared, with the chance to join your peers, thought-leaders, and experts attending Food Matters Live this 16th to 17th of November.

Take a look at our upcoming live webcast themes, now announced, as follows:

 What is happening in the world of nutrition and health?

Live Webcast: The future of nutrition and health

From the latest evidence based clinical studies into the impact of COVID-19 on gut health, to the latest thinking on personalised nutrition, digital health and transformational nutrition ingredients, these webcasts provide you with access to the very latest nutrition research, innovations, and ideas. Plus, we will be sharing invaluable insights into what will be trending in 2022 with an unparalleled expert speaker line-up. If you’d like to get up to speed on the current 2021 trends, you can access the Food Matters Live content from June with an on-demand ticket.

 How can we make changes to reduce the “globesity” epidemic?

Live Webcast: Reducing obesity: policy and practice

The need to reduce obesity is rarely out of the headlines, and paradoxically coexisting with undernutrition, is an escalating global epidemic of obesity – “globesity”. In developing countries, it is estimated that over 115 million people suffer from obesity-related problems. New regulations on TV advertising on HFSS ad campaigns, the NHS’s Better Health campaign and Henry Dimbleby’s National Food Strategy are just some of the latest initiatives underpinning the need for urgent action. Join the latest series of these specialist webcasts as the expert speakers explore the policy, reforms and latest guidance aiming to reduce obesity, while also sharing what strategies actually work in practice.

 Can we have more sustainable supply chains?

Live Webcast: Sustainable food futures

The new technologies disrupting food production are creating a catalyst for innovation, as well as providing solutions to some of the world’s biggest food challenges. From plant based to lab-grown, there are innovative ways of building sustainable supply chains, onshore vertical farming, novel foods, to the latest regulation and more. All may impact and reduce our global footprint for the better. In this series of live webcasts, delivered by an international cast of speakers, we will explore the future of global food production and what it means for sustainable food innovation.



What lies ahead for retail trends in 2022?

Live Webcast: Retail trend and consumer connections

What lies ahead for retail trends in 2022? Will plant based go from strength to strength? What will the renewed emphasis on better-for-you mean for the retail aisles? Which areas of nutrition will flourish and what’s next for direct-to-consumer growth? Find out with our retail experts in these popular panel discussions. Enjoy taking a deep dive into how brands are winning consumer hearts and minds through exemplar case studies showcasing creative brand strategies, digital communications and packaging design.


Are you looking for the latest innovations in ingredients?

Live Webcast: Ingredient discovery spotlights

A huge success in June Food Matters Live earlier this year, these new ingredient discovery spotlights showcase the latest ingredient innovations from around the world. Hosted by a panel of expert buyers, they explore ingredients specialising in the better-for-you, sustainable, healthy, functional, and plant-based categories. Join these knowledgeable experts, as they hear from the people behind the ingredients and ask how these solutions can overcome new product development and reformulation challenges.

Purchase an on-demand ticket here.

Register your interest for November here.
